
Showing posts from July, 2012

Research ,types, objectives and characteristics of a research

RESEARCH                          Research in clinical assessment and psychological testing is a continuous process of assuring reliability, validity, standardization and trying to improve these aspects. What may be a research Objectives? A research objective is characterized as a clear and brief articulation of the particular objectives and points of a research think about.   Key characteristics of research targets incorporate:     Clarity: Inquire about destinations ought to be clearly characterized and easy to get it. One ought to guarantee there's no space for uncertainty or error. Specificity: Targets ought to be particular and barely centered on the angles of the investigate theme that the consider extreme to investigate. They ought to reply the address of “what” or “which” instead of “how” or “why.” Measurability: Inquire about goals ought to be defined in a way that permits for estimation and assessment. This implies that there ought to be a

mental retardation an over review

Mental retardation A mental incapacity is when restrictions in your mental capacities influence insights, learning and way of life aptitudes. The impacts of this may change broadly. A few individuals may encounter minor impacts but still live autonomous lives. Others may have extreme impacts and require long lasting help and bolster.   Mental retardation is a term used when a person has certain limitations in mental functioning and in skills such as communicating,taking care of  him/herself,and social skills.   A common misinterpretation is that mental inability is fair a restriction on insights as evaluated by a straightforward IQ test. An IQ test is as it were one piece of data. A few individuals have a normal or above-average IQ but have inconvenience with other capacities vital for daily life. Other individuals have lower-than-average IQs but too have abilities and capacities that are solid sufficient that they do not meet the criteria for mental inability, or they meet criter

Clinical psychology

CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY              Clinical psychology is the branch of psychology concerned with assessing & treating mental illness,abnormal behaviour & psychiatric problems.

Psychotherapy its types an over review

                                                                                     Psychotherapy   Psychotherapy, also called talk remedy, refers to strategies that assist humans change behaviors, mind, and emotions that motive troubles or misery. it is an umbrella term that describes treating mental disorders and mental distress through verbal and mental strategies. Kinds of Psychotherapy Psychotherapy can take specific codes relying on the style of the therapist and the needs of the patient. A few formats that you might come upon encompass: • Individual therapy, which entails operating one-on-one with a psychotherapist. • Couples therapy, which includes operating with a therapist as a pair to enhance the way you feature in your dating. • Family remedy, which facilities on improving the dynamic within families and might consist of more than one people within a own family unit. • Group therapy, which includes a small institution of people who share a common purpos
CHILD ABUSE                                        child abuse is defined as causing and permitting any harmful or offensive contact on a child body ;and,any communication or transaction of any kind which humiliates,shames,or frightens the child.
ENCOPRESIS This term Refers to the passage of feaces inappropriate places at any age after bowl control should have established.this is serious disturbance than enuresis and often associated with factor of it may be low socioeconomic background.

rumination disorder definition

Rumination disorder                                                  the prominent feature of this disorder is a weight loss,a failure to gain at the expected level because of repeated regurgitation of food without nausea or associated gastrointestinal illness.this rare disorder occurs more commonly in males usually b/w the age 3 and 14 years. 

hypochondriasis definition

hypochondriasis                                          preoccupation with a fear of having a serious illness.
psycho social  disorders                              this disorder is a mental illness caused or influenced by life experiences,as well as maladjusted cognitive or behavioral processes.


ENURESIS                               the involuntary discharge of urine after the age of  at which balder control should have being established is one of common problem encountered.              it may be divided into, primary(persistent) type                     in which a child has never been dry at night_75% secondary (regressive) type                          in which the child who has continent for at least one year begins wet the bed again_50% in  late school ages children.


pica          this eating disorder involves repeated or chronic ingestion of non_nutrient substance.the age of onset is 1 to 2 years of age but may be earlier.pica usually remits in childhood but can be continue also in adulthood. what is pica  Pica is an eating disorder in which a person compulsively eats things that are not food and have no nutritional value or purpose. Depending on when and why a person does it, pica can be normal, expected, and harmless. However, it can cause major problems if a person with this condition eats something toxic or dangerous. Prevalence. Pica is a fairly common condition, but experts aren't sure how common it is. This is partly because research studies often do not use the same definition of the condition.  another reason is that infants and young children often put things in their mouths, which is part of their normal development. This kind of pika usually disappears on its own very quickly. Who can be pica affected? Pica can happen to anyone at

social phobia

social phobia                           is characterized by significant anxiety provoked by exposure to certain types of social or performance situations,often leading to avoidance behaviour.
specific phobia                     is characterized by clinically significant anxiety provoked by exposure to a specific feared object or situation ,often leading to avoidance behaviour.