

               interview is a situation in which the client can gain better understating of himself  abilities,skills,interest,attitudes and drives(john G darle)

types of interview

            there are many types of interview the most common are as following.


         according to Watson,: this type of interview usually concerned with clarification of the patient,s percentage complaints,the steps he has taken previously to resolve his difficulties and his expectancies in regard to what may be done for him"

case history interview

     in many hospitals the intake or admission interview is followed by the personal and social history interview after completion of personal and social history the information from friends,relatives,hospitalmilitary and other records are also used for the history.

the diagnostic interview

   the purpose of diagnostic or screening interview is to assist the clinician in his attempt to understand the patient.during this interviewer observes the interviewee,s behavior as well as noticing  the content of his answers.

the crises interview

       this interview occurs when the patient is in the middle of a significant and often traumatic or life threatening crisis.

structured and non_ structured interview

 in structured interview the questions being asked and time limit is set beforehand and in non structured interview an interviewer asks questions without following any structure or list of questions and mostly the reliability and validity of structured interviews is more better than non structured interviews.  



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