Gender identity disorder


Gender identity disorder 

In gender identity disorder there must be strong and persistent cross gender identification, which is desire to be or insistence that one is of the other sex.ther is a persistent discomfort about one's own sex.

In boys with this disorder they show traditional feminine dressing style, wearing makeup and skirts and showing girlish behavior etc.

In girls with this disorder they show traditional masculine behavior wearing dresses like boys,may refuse to attend the events where they require to dress like girl or participate in like girls.


Data from researcheshave shown in Europe roughly i1 per 30,000 adult males and 1 per 30,00 females seek sex change surgery .

On set of gender identity disorder 

Usually this disorder is shown between ages 2 to 4 in which parents report that their child shows cross gender interests.the disturbance causes clinical significant distress.


Family counseling is used children with gender identity disorder Which focusses on treating associated problems of depression and adults involved support group therapy is used some adults request hormone and surgical treatment.
Behavior therapy, psychoanalysis and other psycholical treatments may be used for better results 

surgical alteration of person's sex is called reassignment surgery this is the last solution to this problem


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