
Showing posts from April, 2024

How to keep your partner happy and satisfied

Both genders are different in many aspects but one aspect which is common is love.there are not any clear-cut rules or codes to keep happy your spouse but considering some psychology facts we can make it possible.i will discuss some with you I hope they will help you: 1.Empathy This is a psychology term which means to feel some ones pain and internal feelings.we have to try to understand sorrows and happiness af aur partner.we should understand that he is also a human and also has feelings.we must try to never break heart 💕 and feelings.just try to know what expectations he/she has from you then just try to fulfill these in this way you also feel happy. 2.Positive regard We have to give aur partner respect and regard in response he/she will do your partner with good names whatever he/she likes for example honey,Jan,my love ❤️ you will see difference in your relationship. 3.Groom yourself  Everyone has some dreams about his or her life partner.just try to know About his/her d

Narcissistic personality disorder

  Narcissism  This disorder is characterized by self centeredness, lack of empathy,and exaggerated sense of self importantnesss.this personality occurs in many levels of severity pathological narcissistic have a tendency to be extremely self absorbed, intolerant of others, perspectives, insensitive to others needs and indifferent to their own egocentric behavior. Symptoms of narcissism  A continues pattern of grandiose for example always in the need of admiration,lack of empathy. Have fantasy of unlimited success, power, beauty,or ideal love etc Requires Excessive love and admiration  Taking advantage of others to achieve his own goals. Shows arrogant behavior and attitude. Grandiose sense of self importance. Sensitive to criticism  Prevalence of narcissism  Lifetime prevalence is estimated 1  percent and 2 to 16 percent in clinical settings. Reasons and etiology of narcissism . Exact cause is unknown researchers have identified some factors that may contribute to disorder which are as


  Anxiety and stress  Anxiety is basically a mental state in which people feel uneasy, anxious and fearful.anxiety is too constant that person feel all the time preoccupied, distracted and tensed.while stress is a natural response of a person who experiences any difficult situation this is state of tension. Common physical symptoms  Symptoms of anxiety includes dizziness,  chest abdominal pain  increased heart rate diarrhea. Dizziness  Chills  Tingling  Trembling  Nausea  Shaking  Sweating  Fainting  Chest pains Blushing  Hot flashes etc Classification of anxiety disorders. Basically there are two major types anxiety states and phobias. Anxiety states  It includes following  1.Generalized anxiety disorder  It is characterized by persistent excessive and unrealistic fear about everyday life it's also called chronic anxiety which is long lasting anxiety this disorder doesn't appear suddenly it develops overtime anxiety should be almost at least 6 month then this disorder is diagn

Gender identity disorder

  Gender identity disorder  In gender identity disorder there must be strong and persistent cross gender identification, which is desire to be or insistence that one is of the other sex.ther is a persistent discomfort about one's own sex. In boys with this disorder they show traditional feminine dressing style, wearing makeup and skirts and showing girlish behavior etc. In girls with this disorder they show traditional masculine behavior wearing dresses like boys,may refuse to attend the events where they require to dress like girl or participate in like girls. Prevalence  Data from researcheshave shown in Europe roughly i1 per 30,000 adult males and 1 per 30,00 females seek sex change surgery . On set of gender identity disorder  Usually this disorder is shown between ages 2 to 4 in which parents report that their child shows cross gender interests.the disturbance causes clinical significant distress. Treatment  Family counseling is used children with gender identi

Sexual assault

  Sexual assault Sexual assault is any type of sexual contact or sexual activity that occurs without the explicit consent of the recipient. Sexual acts such as forced sex, forced sodomy, pedophilia, incest, fondling, and attempted rape fall within the definition of sexual violence. Sexual assault can occur by a stranger, acquaintance, family member, or partner. According to the 2018 National Survey on Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault, 1 in 4 women (27%) and 1 in 14 men (7%) have experienced sexual violence or sexual assault in their lifetime. It can happen to anyone, regardless of gender identity, age, income, or sexual orientation. It's important to remember that sexual assault is never the victim's fault. It doesn't matter whether the victim had a previous relationship with the attacker, whether he drank alcohol or wore certain clothes. Only the attacker is responsible for the attack. Definition of sexual violence Sexual assault occurs when someone is forced or forced

Sex disorders

  Sexual dysfunctions/sexual disorders  Sexual disorder is when you’re confronting critical challenges related to your capacity to encounter joy or react sexually. If you’re having trouble with sexual movement, getting stirred, or encountering joy amid sexual action, you might be encountering sexual dysfunction. It’s critical to note that not everybody who is encountering changes in their sexual contemplations or behavior has sexual brokenness. Your sexual sentiments and behaviors may alter as you age or your circumstances change. Details of each sexual disorder Below are brief depictions of the distinctive sorts of sexual dysfunctions that may offer assistance you recognize them. Delayed ejaculation Delayed ejaculation happens when individuals with a penis have inconvenience coming to ejaculation or take a longer time than they would like to ejaculate. There are physical and mental components that may cause deferred ejaculation, such as a therapeutic condition or fear of intimacy. Tal

Autism spectrum disorder

                                     Autism spectrum disorder   Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental incapacity as a result of differences in the brain. People with ASD regularly have troubles with social communication and interaction, and limited or repetitive behaviors or pastimes. Human beings with ASD might also have different approaches of learning, shifting, or paying interest. It’s very critical to be aware that a few people without ASD might also have some of those signs and symptoms, but for persons with ASD, those characteristics could make existence very difficult. Symptoms of autism spectrum disorder Social verbal exchange and interaction capabilities Social conversation and interaction abilities can be difficult for human beings with ASD. Examples of social communication and social interaction traits related to ASD can include •            Avoids or does no longer maintain eye contact •            Does not reply to call at the age 9 months  •    


  WHAT IS VALIDITY IN A RESEARCH OR TEST The concept of validity became formulated by means of Kelly (1927, p. 14) who stated that a check is valid if it measures what it claims to degree. For instance a take a look at of intelligence must degree intelligence and no longer something else   Validity refers to whether or not a test measures whatever it is intended to measure.   TYPES OF VALIDITY   We will discuss different types of validity   1 Face validity     Refers to whether a scale “seems” to measure what it is supposed to measure. This is, do the questions appear to be logically related to topic to be observed. For example, a personality scale that measures emotional intelligence ought to have questions about self-attention and empathy. It needs to not have questions about math or chemistry.   2 Content Validity   Content validity refers to whether a check or scale is measuring all the additives of a given construct. As an example, if there are fi