

Anxiety and stress 

Anxiety is basically a mental state in which people feel uneasy, anxious and fearful.anxiety is too constant that person feel all the time preoccupied, distracted and tensed.while stress is a natural response of a person who experiences any difficult situation this is state of tension.

Common physical symptoms

 Symptoms of anxiety includes

  • dizziness, 
  • chest abdominal pain 
  • increased heart rate
  • diarrhea.
  • Dizziness 
  • Chills 
  • Tingling 
  • Trembling 
  • Nausea 
  • Shaking 
  • Sweating 
  • Fainting 
  • Chest pains
  • Blushing 
  • Hot flashes etc

Classification of anxiety disorders.

Basically there are two major types anxiety states and phobias.

Anxiety states 

It includes following 

1.Generalized anxiety disorder 

It is characterized by persistent excessive and unrealistic fear about everyday life it's also called chronic anxiety which is long lasting anxiety this disorder doesn't appear suddenly it develops overtime anxiety should be almost at least 6 month then this disorder is diagnosed.

2.obsessive compulsive disorder.

In this disorder a person experiences obsessions , compulsions or both.


 These are recurrent, intrusive thoughts images that are perceived in appropriate or forbidden.

  • these may be obsessive fear of doing something prohibited 
  • Obsessive doubt or uncertainty 


These are repetitive behaviors or mental acts that may reduce anxiety for example checking door locks or counting, praying, washing hands or saying words again and again. 

3.panic disorder 

People with this disorder suffer from episodic attacks of anxiety which is constant terror that grips them for length of the time.panic is an intense,over powering fear.they don't expect when this attack will come.this attack may be last for several hours and can be activated by stress, anxiety or fear.mostly people in this disorder report a fear of dying, going crazy or losing control of behavior or emotions. traumatic stress disorder 

This disorder results from a traumatic or terrible past experience.person experiences this persistently re experiences traumatic event for example a war, natural disasters accident and child abuse etc
Person with PTSD experiences flash backs of that incident which may be images, sounds, smells, feelings and these may be triggered by ordinary occurrences such as door opening or car backfire etc


A phobia is a persistent , irrational fear of a specific object, activity or situation that results in compelling desires to avoid specific object or activity.phobias may be of different kinds for example fear of social or performance situations (social phobia) fear of animals,storms,water,spiders, seeing blood, injection, driving,bridges,snakes,etc(specific phobia), fear of open spaces (agora phobia) there are hundreds types of phobias.

Causes of anxiety disorders 

Studies suggest that anxiety disorders run in families like children of anxious people have more chances of getting this disorder. 

Sigmund Freud suggested that anxiety results from internal, unconscious conflicts and desires which a person repress in the fear of society.

 According to some psychologists Anxiety is shaped by social factors for example,many cultures accept expression of anxiety in women but more reserved emotional displays from men.

Many scientists have suggested that brain chemistry plays a role in the anxiety disorders.

Personality and life experiences are more likely involved in anxiety disorders for example a person who is emotionally strong have less chances of anxiety. Researchers believe that there is a close relationship between anxiety and long term exposure to abuse violence or poverty.

Treatment of anxiety disorders 

Medication received by clients can not cure but they can keep them under control during psychotherapies.medicines include SSRIs, tricyclics,MAOIs,antidepressants,anti anxiety drugs and beta blockers to control some of physical symptoms.

Behavior therapy, cognitive therapy and exposure therapy are used to control and treat anxiety disorders.

Psychoanalysis is also used worldwide to treat anxiety.according to Freud anxiety can be treated by bringing unconscious thoughts and conflicts into conscious.and when person knows these conflicts then they try to solve it with the help of psychologist.


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