Narcissistic personality disorder



This disorder is characterized by self centeredness, lack of empathy,and exaggerated sense of self importantnesss.this personality occurs in many levels of severity pathological narcissistic have a tendency to be extremely self absorbed, intolerant of others, perspectives, insensitive to others needs and indifferent to their own egocentric behavior.

Symptoms of narcissism 

  • A continues pattern of grandiose for example always in the need of admiration,lack of empathy.
  • Have fantasy of unlimited success, power, beauty,or ideal love etc
  • Requires Excessive love and admiration 
  • Taking advantage of others to achieve his own goals.
  • Shows arrogant behavior and attitude.
  • Grandiose sense of self importance.
  • Sensitive to criticism 

Prevalence of narcissism 

Lifetime prevalence is estimated 1  percent and 2 to 16 percent in clinical settings.

Reasons and etiology of narcissism .

Exact cause is unknown researchers have identified some factors that may contribute to disorder which are as following:

  • Childhood experiences for example overindulgence, excessive praise, unreliable parenting. etc
  • Severe emotional abuse in childhood 
  • Excessive praise or excessive criticism in childhood 
  • An oversensitive temperament at birth
  • Unpredictable parenting 

Treatment for narcissism

We can treat narcissism according to the severity of the disorder here are some treatments given below:

  • Schema therapy a form of therapy developed by Jeffery E young that integtes different forms of therapy (psycho dynamic, cognitive, behavioral therapy) subconscious fears of exposure can cause defensive disdain of therapeutic process.
  • Individual therapy is used effectively although process can be time consuming and may be difficult.
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy is effectively used to help individual change destructive thinking and behavior this is used to alter pattern of thinking.
  • Psychotropic medications are usually ineffective in long-term are some time used to treat symptoms of anxiety and depression in these clients.


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