How to keep your partner happy and satisfied

Both genders are different in many aspects but one aspect which is common is love.there are not any clear-cut rules or codes to keep happy your spouse but considering some psychology facts we can make it possible.i will discuss some with you I hope they will help you:


This is a psychology term which means to feel some ones pain and internal feelings.we have to try to understand sorrows and happiness af aur partner.we should understand that he is also a human and also has feelings.we must try to never break heart 💕 and feelings.just try to know what expectations he/she has from you then just try to fulfill these in this way you also feel happy.

2.Positive regard

We have to give aur partner respect and regard in response he/she will do your partner with good names whatever he/she likes for example honey,Jan,my love ❤️ you will see difference in your relationship.

3.Groom yourself 

Everyone has some dreams about his or her life partner.just try to know About his/her desires and groom your self.try to be fresh when he/she comes home wear sometimes new dresses, perfumes which they like.

4.Friendly and outspoken 

Try to be friendly and out spoken sometimes.i5 is compulsory to display love and sincerity.may be he or she is in wait of your admiration, showing love.just speak and see what happens 💕. share your feelings, sorrows and happiness and talk to him/her.sometimes a kind of silence exist no one of both of you wants to speak and the situation get worsened.

5.Surprise and gifts

Sometimes a gift whatever it is even a single rose or chocolate ❤️ may make your spouse out of the world and make him/her happy.just go in kitchen and bake or cook something special which he/she likes.or just keep your room and kitchen clean it will really surprise your partner.


Sometimes situations are not according to our wishes but when you accept him/her as they are things become easy.Always don't try to change his/her habits or things you don't like just try to accept the situation will be better because in this world no one is perfect.we have to accept others with their positive and negative both aspects.sometimes this thing makes the situation better.


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