

memory      " in psychology, memory is an organism,s ability to store,retain & recall information and experiences."
learning              "learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior brought about by experience."

concept of needs and drives

concept of needs and drives            need,                              "need is a certain lack within an animal that needs something is simply means it lacks some thing." drive,        " a drive is an aroused state resulting from some bodily or tissue need,such as need for food,water and oxygen." 
motivation definition      " motivation is the general term for all the processes involved in starting ,directing and maintaining physical and psychological activities."(zimbardo and gerrig 1996)   "a motive is an internal activator or modifier"(dr.munn)
VALIDITY         "the validity of a test refers to its ability to measures ,what it is supposed to measure."
RELIABILITY        "Reliability refers to the consistency,stability of a measurement."
transfer               a transfer is considered to be a move to another position with the same classification level (pay grade) and salary range.